Archive for the ‘USDA’ Category

USDA preaches Pilgrims were illegal aliens


Washington watchdog Judicial Watch has obtained videos of seminars for U.S. Department of Agriculture employees with an instructor explaining that the “Pilgrims were illegal aliens.”

Now JW president Tom Fitton is wondering who can “explain how any of this helps USDA employees better serve the American taxpayer?”

“This video further confirms that politically correct diversity training programs are both offensive and waste of taxpayer money,” he said. “No wonder it took over half a year to obtain this video from the Obama administration.”

Judicial Watch officials said they had gotten a tip from someone subjected to the training, and filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the video.

The organization said the “Cultural Sensitivity Training” demanded USDA employees bang on tables, chant “The pilgrims were illegal aliens” and were instructed no longer to use the word “minorities.”

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